Engagement session season is upon us! And one of the biggest concerns that my engaged couples have is WHAT TO WEAR. Here are some tips!
- Watch the weather! I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but the weather is so unpredictable (ESPECIALLY in the midwest.) After a beautiful fall engagement session quickly turns to a winter wonderland, dresses and open- toed sandals won’t seem like the best option. Depending on the time of year, keep a backup outfit or two just in case if it starts raining or snowing out of the blue.
- NEUTRALS NEUTRALS NEUTRALS. This is probably the rule that is most looked-over. The colors of your outfits make a huge difference when editing and can make a photo look completely different. My big piece of advice for this would be to stick with neutral colors and earthy tones and try to avoid bright colors.
- Keep in mind that if you have a piece of clothing that you absolutely love and totally screams your name but is a bright red or yellow, WEAR IT. These photos are supposed to capture who you are, and I do not want you to wear green if you’re uncomfortable in green, you know?

- Keep your location(s) in mind! If you have booked a session that allows enough time for us to
travel to more than one location, consider mixing up your outfits! I normally try to shoot in a wooded area for one location and an urban location for another. This allows for more variety in your photos! I’d suggest that if we shoot in a wooded area, wear a casual outfit like jeans and a t-shirt, then wear a dress/dress shirt when we go into the city. This will help you be comfortable in different environments, too! - ACCESSORIZE! Accessories are a great way to add a little flare to your photos. It could be as simple as a watch, necklace, or rings. If you do have your ears pierced, I would suggest wearing earrings (even a simple stud will do.)
- I do however suggest NOT wearing your FitBit or Apple Watch (unless you have a different strap that elevates the look of it.) Also keep an eye out for hair ties (I’m normally good at catching those, but I could always miss it too.)

- MOST IMPORTANTLY: BE YOURSELF. Your main priority should be to wear something that you are comfortable in! If you have a new dress that has weird sleeves or try to wear a new color or style, that might cause you to be uncomfortable during your session. Don’t feel pressured to wear anything that’s out of your comfort zone, unless you want to push those limits!

Now booking your dream engagement session! INQUIRE TODAY.